
作为退伍军人, 或合格的受抚养人, 您可能能够根据服务义务获得权利资助. LCCC学校认证官员将作为您和退伍军人事务部之间的联络人, 并将证明你的出勤,以获得你可能应得的福利. The following is an overview of the options a Veteran 或合格的受抚养人 may be able to receive to assist them in funding their education. VA Benefits will not be processed for courses which are not required for a student’s degree plan and may or may not be processed for repeated courses.

所有退伍军人和军人学生每学期都有资格享受优惠课程安排. 你可以比我们的普通学生早一天开始注册.


保持你获得退伍军人福利和经济援助的资格, 本科生的平均绩点必须保持在1分.大一7岁,大二2岁.大学二年级的时候.  每学期, a Permission to Certify form must be submitted to the School Certifying Official to maintain your eligibility to receive military 好处.

Questions regarding your VA educational 好处 should be directed to one of our School Certifying Officials.


Our dedicated team of professionals provides direction and support to military and veteran students as they navigate the educational experience.



归国成人事务助理处长 & 退伍军人
 Laura D’amato

Laura D’amato




学费援助 (TA) is a government benefit offered to current service members of all branches of the Armed Forces to assist with the cost of tuition. Some Department of Defense employees and military spouses may also be eligible to receive a form of 学费援助. 联邦学费援助每学期支付一定数额的学费和授权费用. 这个数量由服务分支决定. 除了, you will have to work through your respective military education advisor or education services officer (ESO) at your military installation to apply for tuition assistance 好处.

Click your branch of the military below for more specific information relevant to the type of 学费援助 you will be using.


The Educational Assistance Program (EAP) for members of the Pennsylvania National Guard is jointly administered by PHEAA and the PA Department of Military and 退伍军人 Attairs. This program provides tuition assistance for students who enter into a service commitment with the Pennsylvania National Guard, 通常为期六年. 这是一个只提供给宾夕法尼亚州国民警卫队成员的项目,是一个免税的拨款.

它直接向学院支付全日制学费(最多12个学分)+技术费. 费用由PA高等教育援助机构(PHEAA)支付给学校. 它可以使用长达五年.

此信息旨在为您申请军事利益提供一般指导. 与您的情况有关的具体问题应直接向您的准备就绪非政府组织咨询. 请注意,这些程序可能会在不通知的情况下进行修改. Guard members should contact their readiness NCO for specific application requirements regarding Federal 学费援助 (FTA) and the Education Assistance Program (EAP).

Additional questions can be answered and assistance can be obtained by calling 717-861-9238 for FTA and 717-861-8894 for EAP.


If you are receiving veterans’ education 好处 you are also eligible to apply for scholarships awarded by LCCC, 包括获得奖学金的学生 & 财政援助,LCCC基金会和其他奖学金颁发单位.

除了, 你也有资格申请由大学颁发的军事奖学金, 以及外部实体.

你必须申请奖学金才能被考虑. You are not considered for scholarships based on attendance at LCCC or your use of veterans’ education 好处. 学生需要在获得经济援助资格之前完成FAFSA.

申请LCCC颁发的一般奖学金,请提交适当的申请. 有关奖学金的更多信息,请访问 http://85500171.com/paying-for-college/scholarships/.


LCCC退伍军人奖学金表彰退伍军人和军人学生, 有接受高等教育意愿的配偶和家属, 学业成功和社区服务. 资金可以用于购买书籍、用品和其他相关费用. 点击这里 检讨资格及申请程序.


The Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council (LVMAC) scholarship program is now seeking applications from eligible veterans, 那些退伍军人的孩子, 以及在你的机构注册的ROTC学生,他们有利哈伊县或北安普顿县的记录.

奖学金评选委员会将授予最高2美元的奖学金,在个人符合条件后,根据个人需要支付1000美元. 在线申请和所有说明可以在“奖学金计划”标签下找到 www.lvmac.org.  奖学金支票将直接邮寄给学生,以满足他或她的具体需求.


The Women’s Army Corps 退伍军人 Association Scholarship has been established to recognize relatives of Army Service Women. This scholarship is based upon academic achievement and leadership as expressed through co-curricular activities and community involvement. 两(2)1,500美元.奖学金名额每年00个. 我们会以邮寄或电邮方式通知收信人. 支票将转交给验收机构. 点击这里 检讨资格及申请程序.

Funds are awarded through Lehigh Valley Community 基金会 to assist veterans with educational expenses as the result of an emergency, 失业, 医疗问题或创伤情况. 申请此一次性奖学金,请提交申请 退伍军人/预备役军人特别紧急储备基金

第33章- 9/11后的GI法案®

The Post-9/11 GI Bill® is for individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001, 或者在30天后因工作致残而离职的人. 您必须获得光荣退伍,才有资格享受后9/11退伍军人法案®.

受助人可能有资格获得学费和杂费, 每月房屋津贴, 还有书费. 受助人最多可领取36个月的福利金. Recipients who combine this benefit with one or more other Chapter Benefits can receive up to 48 months of total 好处. A recipient’s benefit amount is affected by their rate of pursuit (number of credit hours being taken divided by the number of credit hours considered to be full-time).

VA tuition and fee payments are paid directly to LCCC and are applied as a 3rd party payment to the student’s billing account.

每月住房费用直接从退伍军人事务部通过直接存款的方式寄给学生(而不是学校). 福利(在培训期后)以拖欠方式支付. 例如,学生在9月初收到8月份的学费. Payment amounts vary annually and are on the Department of Defense (DoD) Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) rate for E-5’s with dependents. 这一福利的数额根据服役时间的长短从50%到100%不等. 受助人必须有超过50%的追求率,才能领取每月的房屋津贴. Students enrolled in only distance learning or online courses are only eligible for 每月房屋津贴 equal to 50% of the national average of all Basic Allowances for Housing. 付款按部分出勤月份的比例计算(例如. 8月 & 12月). 付款金额不包括注册中断期(如. 冬天 & 暑假).

书费通过直接存款的方式从退伍军人事务部直接寄给学生(而不是学校). 每学期一次性支付一次. 这些津贴是根据发放的福利的百分比按比例分配的.


This program provides education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of veterans who are permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition, 或者在服役期间死亡或因服役相关疾病死亡. 该计划提供长达45个月的教育福利.

受助人每月从退伍军人事务部领取津贴. 领取津贴的数额受退伍军人训练时间的影响.

所有的付款都是通过直接存款的方式从VA直接寄给学生(而不是学校). 福利(在培训期后)以拖欠方式支付. 例如,学生在9月初收到8月份的学费. 付款金额不包括注册中断期(如. 冬天 & 暑假).


退伍军人准备和就业(VR&E)适用于有服务相关残疾的退伍军人. 感兴趣的申请人需要与退伍军人事务部顾问会面,申请第31章的福利, 或在网上申请. 申请资格的基本期限&E services may be used is 12 years from the date of separation from active military service or 12 years from the date the veteran was first notified by VA of a service-connected disability rating. 一旦退伍军人事务部确定了退伍军人的资格, the VA Counselor will send authorization to the School Certifying Official to certify enrollment and set up the benefit with LCCC.

受助人可能有资格获得学费和杂费、生活津贴和书本费. 退伍军人准备和就业(VR)&E)辅导员将决定退伍军人第31章福利资格的月数. A recipient’s benefit amount is affected by their rate of pursuit (number of credit hours being taken divided by the number of credit hours considered to be full-time).

VA tuition and fee payments are paid directly to LCCC and are applied as a 3rd party payment to the student’s billing account.


The Montgomery GI Bill – Selected Reserves (MGIB-SR) program may be available to you if you are a member of the Selected Reserve. 委员须于6月30日后履行不少于6年的服务义务, 1985, 有高中文凭或同等学历, 已完成首次在职训练, 并圆满地参加陆军预备役, 海军储备, 空军预备队, 海军陆战队预备队和海岸警卫队预备队, 以及陆军国民警卫队和空军国民警卫队. 福利权利从申请资格之日起14年结束, 或在人员离开选定预备队的当天.

受助人每月从退伍军人事务部领取津贴,最多可领取36个月的福利. Recipients who combine this benefit with one or more other Chapter Benefits can receive up to 48 months of total 好处. 受助人的福利数额受其培训时间的影响.

所有的付款都是通过直接存款的方式从VA直接寄给学生(而不是学校). 福利(在培训期后)以拖欠方式支付. 例如,学生在9月初收到8月份的学费. 付款按部分出勤月份的比例计算(例如. 8月 & 12月). 付款金额不包括注册中断期(如. 冬天 & 暑假).

Recipients must verify enrollment at the end of each month by Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) or by Interactive Voice Response (IVR). 访问WAVE网站或致电877-823-2378. 未能验证注册将导致不支付的利益.


The MGIB-AD program provides up to 36 months of education 好处 for veterans and service members who have at least two years of active duty.

受助人每月从退伍军人事务部领取津贴,最多可领取36个月的福利金. Recipients who combine this benefit with one or more other Chapter Benefits can receive up to 48 months of total 好处. The delimiting date for this benefit is 10 years from the last period of qualifying active duty service (at least 90 days in length). 受助人的福利数额受其培训时间的影响.

所有的付款都是通过直接存款的方式从VA直接寄给学生(而不是学校). 福利(在培训期后)以拖欠方式支付. 例如,学生在9月初收到8月份的学费. 付款按部分出勤月份的比例计算(例如. 8月 & 12月). 付款金额不包括注册中断期(如. 冬天 & 暑假).

Recipients must verify enrollment at the end of each month by Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) or by Interactive Voice Response (IVR). 访问WAVE网站或致电877-823-2378. 未能验证注册将导致不支付的利益.

“GI Bill®”是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. 政府网站: www.好处.va.gov / gibill.